Steps for a successful registration
**Please do not create multiple accounts! This will cause many inconveniences down the road and we want your experience with the portal to be as easy as possible.
Please click on ‘Forgot Username’ and you will receive the username associated with your account**
Creating a Portal
Existing AND new patients will click REGISTER EXISTING PATIENT to create a username and password.
Hint: Usernames cannot include @ ! # $ % & * symbol or a space. Password must be a minimum of 8 characters. Please use an email that you have access to when registering.
Activating the Portal
Login to the email used to register and look for an email from “patient portal.” Press the blue ACTIVATE button to activate your account.
Hint: use an email that you have access to so that you have access to the activation email
Logging into the Portal
Login with your username and password to complete your forms. On the dashboard click on “appointments and forms” to begin filling out paperwork for your upcoming appointment
Patient Portal FAQs
Signing In
Invalid username/password
This will appear when trying to login after registering when you have not activated your account. Make sure that you find the email from “Patient Portal” and click on the link that says to Active Portal and then try to login again.
The email listed does not match what is on file
This will appear when registering if the email or any other information that is in your chart with Avestee has not been updated. The information you use to register (ie. Last name, zipcode and date of birth) MUST match what we have on file. Please contact our office by phone or text to update any information in order to register.
Please an alphanumeric username
The username can only accept letters and numbers. Your full email will not work as a username.
What do I do if I cannot remember my username and or password?
Utilize the ‘forgot username’ first to get your username and then click on ‘forgot password’ options on the sign in page and this information will be emailed to you promptly. If you are not receiving an email please contact our office for assistance.
When I log in nothing happens, it takes me back to the login page.
This is usually a result of using Firefox. Switching to Chrome, Safari or edge will fix this issue.
Session Expired
Why is my session expiring after only a few minutes of being on the portal?
This may be a browser issue. Trying using a different browser, for example Chrome, safari, edge ect.
Will my other doctors be able to access this portal?
No. Your account is only for your results with Avestee. Your other physicians will not have access to this account.
What results will be available on my portal?
Only your breast screening mammogram imaging results will be visible on your portal. Bone density and body ultrasounds are sent to your physician for continuation of care and they will review those results with you. Your other images from other imaging facilities will also not be available in this portal.
How will I know when my results are ready?
You will receive an email from Patient Portal that you have a New Report available to you.
What if I never got an email saying my results are ready?
Promptly log in to the portal and click on radiology reports to see if results are ready. If you see a message that says no data available, please contact the office.
Why can’t I see my results when I click on radiology reports?
If you are on your phone viewing your results, you will need to scroll to the right on your phone screen. Click on ACTIONS and it will automatically download to your device for viewing. Please make sure your browser is not blocking downloads.
My portal says my reports are in the holding period of “x” amount of hours, what does this mean?
Your results are not on hold! Your results are available for download by clicking the download link in the ACTIONS column.